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OCD and Related Presentations (body-focused repetitive behaviors, tics, etc.)

It's important to understand that, in many ways, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is different from other anxiety disorders. The clinicians at Green Leaf understand these nuances and are well-trained in cutting-edge, evidence-based interventions. Whereas OCD may initially appear different from tics and other body-focused repetitive behaviors, what they all have in common is a strong desired to repeatedly engaged in a behavior that creates problems for the individual. At Green Leaf we use a combination of ERP and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) strategies to address these behaviors. These are interventions that have been shown, through research, to be effective. We understand the hard work involved in participating in this treatment and work with both children and families to develop a strong understanding of their circumstances and related interventions. Green Leaf clinicians are here to support children and their families as they move through this process to achieve their goals!

Sandra Concannon

Therapist, LMFT


Jack Lindquist

Therapist, LMFT


Melissa Weik

Therapist, AMFT


Danielle Wilson

Educational Psychologist


Kate Hannon

Therapist, ASW


Becky Toft

Therapist, LMFT


Charlie Crockett

Therapist, AMFT


Merrielle Chevalblanc

Therapist, ASW


Kiani Alba

Therapist, AMFT


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